Home Brew
Dragons & Rhinoceroses
[Grizzy Green]
I tell you what, brother
The first, the first ever fuckin' ... like, hallucination that I had bro, it was like ...
I had already taken about three tabs bro, prior
And then I don't know bro, like I just took this tab this one time and it was 280 ud
And then, fuckin', bro, I just ... I fuckin' stripped down to my boxers bro and I laid down in my room and I was gazing at the fuckin' clouds in the sky bro
And all of a sudden the clouds and the sky just looked like white and blue fire?
And then I fucking, I felt so amazing bro
I was like what the fuck am i looking at?
Like all these dragons and rhinoceroses and all these different fuckin' big animals and shit, bro
And then, um ... out of nowherе the clouds parted, the bluе and white fire parted, bro, and I felt ashamed
I was like what the fuck, why do I feel this way?
Bro then I turned away from what I was looking at, bro, and I felt like, fuckin', like, like thirty or some shit, bro
And then just out of curiosity, I turned my head to look at where i was staring at, where all that fuckin' shit was at
Bro and the shit parted ways and I saw two fuckin' eyes in the sky And for some fuckin' reason bro, when I looked at the eyes, like ...
It didn't say anything to me or anything
Like I just fuckin' felt love, bro, for the first time ever
Since a fuckin' kid bro, and from that minute, like that second, bro
It just fuckin' like, like a mirror beam, bro
And it made me, like, love myself for the first fuckin' time in years, bro
And I was like a free man from that day