Genius English Translations
Död Mark - Krigstied (English Translation)
March forward
Grab your weapons
Throwing the knife
Out from the house
Don't give a fuck
Who lives there
Free for all
The blood is flowing
A dead crow
No head
I see a horse
Without head
March forward
It is wartime
Complete the ritual
The blood is flowing
This is wartime
This is wartime
This is wartime (Bring the axe, bring the axe)
This is wartime
The one who is in
Only roars
You've made your bed, now lie in it
Bring forth the hand
Breaks the blood
Nobody is speaking
You pay
In a chamber
Sickle and hammer
My helm is rusty
My heart is cold
This is wartimе
Bring everything forward
This is wartime
Bring еverything forward
This is wartime
This is wartime
This is wartime (Bring the axe, bring the axe)
This is wartime