Genius English Translations
MINO - 교보문고 (Book store) (Ft. BewhY) (English Translation)
I'm like a Kyobo bookstore
I guess you can read my mind easily

You just read it and you leave, chat is full of gibberish
It's shabby, It's like a speech bubble or a water balloon
I was angry and caught by the IQOS vibration again
Still hanging on the string of hope

You're crying out for love
Looks like a wolf to them
I'm like a Kyobo bookstore

I'm not a real man, but I'm not good at push and pull
I just like it so it spreads all the bitterness
So it's easy to see everything inside me

No, if you've read my mind
I'm not sure if you're going to have a good book report
Isn't it a business morality?
I don't want to curse you

I don't want to make you deal with my intеllect
I hate myself likе that, I just hate you
To you who will not be the next you
It's your fault

I don't want to make you deal with my intellect
I hate myself like that, I just hate you
Go through it all, this world

I guess you like the pretty cover
I still don't know the standard of beauty
Oh, why am I confused?
The only thing I'm confused about is about meeting you
And you're tormenting me in return
Make yourself feel lonely as you want
You read me out
Just the way you want, only on the outside of me

Before you even look inside me, you go there
Where are you now? Who will read me properly?

The last thing I say is
Why me?
Sometimes, I think you're not sometimes
I don't get it

If you open me, you can see me
I regret what I did yesterday

When you see me, my expression is easy to read
My clothes became yesterday's sins