Genius English Translations
Emiway Bantai - Hard (English Translation)
20 30 songs in all they might have put out and thinking they're best
At the age of 24 I'm killing it
Some of them are aged 30 +
Come blow my jingle bell
Merry Christmas
20 30 songs in all they might have put out and thinking they're best
At the age of 24 I'm killing it
Some of them are aged 30 +
Come blow my jingle bell
Merry Christmas
Beef is good when there is a reason behind it
My words so hard they hurt more than a slap
Independent scene has takeover everything
Bollywood also asking for our songs
We are expensive
The artist should get what he asks for
Or else you ain't my brother
I ain't ua enemy
Chuck everthing leave my music go and play your regular flavour
Ive destroyed everyone and sitting here
Everyone wants to beef with me and wanna take my spot
How many songs have u put out
Measure the distance
Will bite you I'm a free wild snake
It's out of your capacity so don't mess with your dad
Go first grind hard and then spit some bars on me
Then your fate will support you
You guys missing out opportunity fighting amongst
Yourself and dissing in hunger of fame
And no sleep on bed
I'm spending time kissing
Ladies and ladies
They pull me in every talks
Go spread the word
True words coming outta this tongue
Their opinion on me doesn't matter
My work shows everything and its in demand
Even m looking good in the video
My work speaks kid
There are lot's of rapper but no one is writing good
20 30 songs in all they might have put out and thinking they're best
At the age of 24 I'm killing it
Some of them are aged 30 +
Come blow my jingle bell
Merry Christmas
20 30 songs in all they might have put out and thinking they're best
At the age of 24 I'm killing it
Some of them are aged 30 +
Come blow my jingle bell
Merry Christmas
Machayenge one track 110 millions streaming
On audio platforms that's your dream kid
On Youtube also we killing it
They teaming up and coming at me
Well let's see who's got how much in them
Will drop entire album like a bomb
Overnight without promotions
Go make songs you don't care for your fans
Not murder for now ill spit half murder bars
How much ever you work you can't come close to me
They tryna act like gangsters
Yes they all are fake
They got fame but still their actions are cheap
In talks there are 100s like you across the street
Tried alot to get famous like me but failed
Keep walking boi
I'm an artist
These soft rappers are like matchstick
They can be used to light up hate
Wow people say Emiway you are Hard
Representing India I won EMA award
You'r fraud
Keep your bastard child safe
I'm a asshole from Mumbai so keep distance
Seen lots of things since childhood
I'm one man army giving death through my songs
Drinking water from my ocean still they can't beat me
If all are gansters
Then imma Monster
Screwing them naked m feeling like a pornstar
I'm a Born Star
On stage i teach them how to perform like a Rockstar
Don't shuffle cards the cards alot
I'm crazy I'll flip your luck
My fans will not let you pass so don't be seen
Come blow my jingle bell Merry Christmas Bitch