Genius English Translations
Reality Blue (English Translation)
I already knew
I have to get out of here
I wanted to run away
To wherever I could

I've been holding back for long
Now I must leave
Everyone told me
The trip will make things better

Oh pretty lie
That when you go somewhere far
Everything will get better
That you can leave all the pains there

When I returned
What greeted me was the Reality Blue
The unchanged air
Laughs at my empty self

New scenery, new streets
Yeah, they were all really great
Like a sweet dream that will never end
Painful memories, painful heart
I believed I threw them all away
But the dream lies in pieces

Oh pretty lie
Going somewhere far
Doesn't make everything better
The pains follow me back

When I returned
What greeted me was the Reality Blue
The unchanged air
Laughs at my empty self
The unchanged air
Laughs at my empty self
Laughs at me