Genius English Translations
Camille - Le Festin (English Translation)
The dreams of lovers are like good wine
They give joy or even sorrow
Weakened by hunger, I am unhappy
Stealing on my way everything I can
Because nothing in life is free

Hope is a dish too soon finished
I am accustomed to skipping meals
A thief alone and hungry is sad enough to die
As for us, I am bitter, I want to succeed
Because nothing in life is free

Never will they tell me that I cannot shoot for the stars;
Let me fill you with wonder, let me take flight
We will finally fea . . . st

The party will finally start
And bring out the bottles, the troubles are over
I'm setting the table; tomorrow is a new life
I am happy at the idea of this new destiny
A life spent in hiding, and now I'm finally free
The feast is on my path
A life spent in hiding, and now I'm finally free
The feast is on my path. . .