Genius English Translations
Cabadzi - Un deux trois
Do you feel it, the light?
The story that's getting faster?
The feeling of danger?
It's the kind of light
In which we sink
That tells you "don't go!
Sit down, sit down!"
Saying nonsense
Doing nonsense
At night
One drink
Two drinks
Three drinks

It's obvious
We overwhelm eachother
So why does it always have to stop?
We feel like dancing
We get up
Our head starts to spin
The music stops
Too soon
We could allow ourselves
Some bad stuff
One bad thing
Two bad things
Three bad things
I'm thinking about it too
We're both thinking about it
The night stings our eyes
It's not ugly
Nothing's ugly if you know how to look
The night ahead, yes!
It burns
We'll be living gently