Rucka Rucka Ali
Full Of Crap
Whatever happened to Dj and Stephanie?
Some kids and a meth problem neither's on TV
Get that Kimmy Gibbler here we'll have a new series
We all know she's not too busy
Bob Saget needs him some fresh pussy
And Joe Gladstone loves young poon
& the little boys dropped out of off high school
John Stamos thinks he's still cool

Every episode (Is the same)
There's a problem they solve it
With kisses and hugs too
Every episode(Is the same)
It's so gay
And the Mom is still dead dude
Becky has good jugs

Coming February 24
On Netflix streaming
The brand new show
It's a gay new show

The Olsen twins said no

Too busy with crack right now
Suck my balls